Sunday, March 3, 2013


Infertility and Miscarriage are such personal things! and all too often, we (those that are going through these situations), want to have our cake and eat it too. We want others to understand how we feel and what we are going through. But we don't want to share our stories because its personal. Calm down ladies, I'm not writing this in an attempt to force everyone to go out an announce their loss to all of Facebook. Or to "out" yourselves as infertile. I'm just stating a fact. People don't know how to respond to us or how to understand us, because they are not in our shoes and they are not exposed to stories like ours often enough. They don't know what its all about. They don't know how common it is. They don't know anyone who is dealing with it. They dont know. 

PCOS and another medical condition of mine, Factor 5, put me at high risk of miscarriage, If I were to have one, I'm allowed to grieve for the loss of my baby. No matter how early. 5 weeks? so what. This was my CHILD!! The baby I fought to conceive. And I will not be forced to hide my emotions and just "move on" because miscarriage makes people uncomfortable or because some people don't consider an early miscarriage to be a big deal.

I want to change that!! I want infertility and pregnancy loss in the spot light!!  I want others to see it for what it is. A medical condition and a BIG deal. Its not a personal problem that I should just deal with behind closed doors. It affects day to day life, even when I try hard not to let it. 

 April is National Infertility Awareness Week
The colors are light pink & light blue!! Wear them and show support!!
April 21-27 2012


September Is PCOS Awareness Month
The color is Teal! Wear it proudly :)

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