Saturday, November 30, 2013

Little Updates

The I Believe Contest for IVF will be ending at 11:59pm Sunday night. I'm sure some of you are like "yay!!! this link will stop showing up everywhere!" ... But for those of you that are paying attention and have watched, the time to share our link and to vote is running out. Please, if you are sick of seeing the link, take the few moments to click it anyways and see what its all about. Watch our video and vote. Its just a few short minutes and could change our lives forever. Finalists will be announced sometime on Monday Dec 2nd.

Excitedly nervous!! If nothing else, Ive been amazed by all the support I've seen from my Family, Friends, and Facebookland. It's been such a blessing to witness so many people sharing and rallying for us. I've had to fight off a few moments of getting my feelings hurt by a few people I just KNEW would be sharing and voting, who have not. and just focus on those who have. I guess the "you find out who your friends are" saying is true, but I choose to focus on the positive and We've gotten so much more support than I ever imagined. It means so much to us! I've boo hoo'd several times after reading the intros folk's have written above the link they shared. Just soo many sweet things. Thank you so much to anyone and everyone who watched, voted, and shared! I can not say that enough. It means the world to us. Win or Lose, for that we re eternally grateful.

As far as my Epic Amazing Natural O cycle appears to be a big flop. Took my leftover progesterone during the TWW just in case. A few good temps taken randomly. No real chart or anything since I wasn't expecting it. Somewhere between 12-14 DPO today. BFN on Thanksgiving morning (10-12DPO). Stopped the progesterone last night. AF should make her arrival soon. But it was a good shot I suppose.

Appointment set for January 8th to go see my RE. -- Assuming we dont win IVF!! -- Go vote! and SHARE

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