Saturday, January 2, 2016

Birth Control & Belly Bruising

**disclaimer: I like to be open & honest on my blog. It's like a diary sometimes. It's not meant to offend. But be prepared for sometimes colorful language, information you may find gross, and graphic photos as that relate to infertility/reproduction** 

For your typical IVF cycle, there is like a "pre-cycle" leading up to it. Our RE described it as like a system reset. Or like rebooting your computer?! Basically you take birth control pills to shut down the typical reproductive cycle. Everything is kinda in limbo until you finish them and start the stimulation meds.

Unfortunately for me, BCP has ALWAYS made me terribly sick. Just overwhelming nausea, headaches, and it's a migraine trigger. I started out taking them at night, only to realize that was not going to help with my new Midnight work schedule. So I slowly worked them back to AM doses. I'm making it through work now, but 4pm like clock work, I awake from a dead sleep with the urgent need to puke, which I never do! I'm counting down to that last dose!!

Another unfortunate fact, I have a blood clotting disorder, Factor V Leiden, so as a precaution I have to take a blood thinner when on hormones like BCP which can increase clot risks. I'm doing Heparin 2x a day as I did in a past cycle. This should have been pretty simple. I've done them before, it's a simple process, thin med, tiny insulin syringe. Easy peasy!! Only this time I opted for a local pharmacy who had pre-filled syringes. Sounds easier right?! WRONG!! I left with a "Carpuject System" which I'm assuming was created by Satan himself! It didn't even include needles! I had to go back to the pharmacy and BUY them. Basically you add extra steps because you have to load the cartridge into the adapter & then attach your needles. This thing is bulky and the plunger is flimsy! It makes injecting super awkward!! & that first injection? Holy Shit ya'll!! The direction stated it's supposed to have an air bubble, not to tap it out! Well, I felt every bit of that "bubble" go into my stomach! & the bruising! Oh my gosh! I got bruises last time, I mean it's expected when you're actively thinning your blood. But on dose #1?! And it was huge, and black, and UGLY! 

I did have a stroke of brilliance after about 2 weeks, when I was just wishing I had some insulin syringes to draw this mess out and forget the Carpuject! I remembered a good friend and fellow "Cyster" who had sent me some leftover supplies from her last IVF, which included a bag on unused syringes for her PIO! I'm currently drawing out my heparin, swapping to my smaller needles, and my injections are back to nearly painless (it aches a bit after) and minimal bruising much more like I expected! When it's time for refills (soon!) I'll be requesting vials and syringes!! Not pre-filled cartridges! 

I also had a second fluid ultrasound of my uterus as a pre-requisit, since my last one was well over a year ago. Basically they fill the uterus with fluid so it can be seen on ultrasound & check for abnormalities. I'm very glad we did since a polyp was discovered! Having it there can cut our success rate by as much as 20%. Polyps are just masses of tissue. A lot of the time leftover from past menstrual cycles. Non-cancerous. But can prevent implantation of embryos. Luckily we can get it removed and it shouldn't effect our IVF schedule. Scheduled that for Jan 6th! Small surgical procedure, takes like 15mins. No real incisions, they'll go in vaginally & I'll be under anesthesia. More updates on that later!!

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