Friday, February 22, 2013

The Plan.

I want to make weekly updates on my weight loss journey on Fridays. 

The difference in me and some other weight loss blogs.... I suck at losing weight!! No really, I do. I hate water!! Seriously, hate it. normally I would drink 0 actual glasses of water a day. zero. "It doesn't have a taste" you say.... well I hate the none-taste of water. I hate exercising. I have an old ankle injury that prevents anything too high impact. My knees are bad. I don't feel good alot. Im full of excuses and I'm lazy!! Also, I love carbs... The bad ones! French fries, loaded baked potato, mac n cheese.... Mmmmm!! Sorry, got distracted.

The fact of the matter is, I gotta do this for me. I have to make myself make good choices. I have to try and work at it. I have to make myself exercise. I fall off the wagon alot!! But I climb back on. And I'm doing it!! And I've seen progress! If I can do it. So can you!

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